Begin Again – Soul Motion Workshop
Sunday, 8 October – Saturday, 14 October
There are places that help us to remind ourselves of our wholeness. Sometimes we call them “sacred places”. It is not without reason that the word “holy” comes from “heil”, in the sense of “complete”, “whole”.
In such places we often take off our shoes, a sign of respect and the courage to show vulnerability as we are as human beings. Something special often happens there, we feel more connected to ourselves and to life itself. We see more clearly what is really important to us. The feeling of incompleteness disappears.
These sacred places can be anywhere. For some, taking off your shoes on the beach is like stepping into a special room. For others, the dance room is a place where something wondrous happens. All of these experiences can lead us to the realization that ultimately every place our feet touch is a sacred place, a place where we can feel “whole”.
This week we explore sacred places together on the beautiful island of Corfu. We don’t have to look far there. The wide beach with the wonderfully warm Mediterranean Sea is in front of the door and we dance in a unique dance room, which many perceive as a very special place as soon as they enter.
About Edgar Spieker
Edgar Spieker ist autorisierter Soul Motion Lehrer, Tanztherapeut und Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie.
Er war Mitglied der Shotokan Karate Bundesliga, arbeitete als Sänger und Gesangslehrer und später als Nia Black Belt Teacher. Edgar hat Erfahrungen in verschiedensten Tanzformen und Methoden der Körperarbeit, wie z.B. Modern Dance, Authentic Movement, Body Mind Centering, Paartanz, Tanzimprovisation und Tanzmeditation.
Seit 2003 unterrichtet er Soul Motion in wöchentlichen Kursen in Hamburg und internationalen Workshops und Retreats.
Edgar ist Faculty Member (Ausbilder) der Soul Motion School.